Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pop Tarts - my way

Yum! :)

I know, they're bad for me, and perhaps they don't actually taste that great, but I do admit to giving in to a hankering for a pop tart occasionally.

The original is a good go-to, a strawberry filling encased in flaky goodness with icing on top. And I looove the Hot Fudge Sundae pop tart. It's pretty addictive.  But guess what?! It's is super easy to make homemade pop tarts! They are ridiculously easy and I think they would even be a fun little dessert for parties because they're little hand-held novelties.

All you need is some jam (or whatever delectable filling you're in the mood for...nutella anyone?) And pie crust. (I use store bought.) 

Just jam and pie crust!

You can cut your crust into nice even pieces, or you can be lazy like me and just cut them into whatever shapes your crust normally forms.  I cut mine big enough to fold over instead of doing separate pieces for top and bottom.
Add a dollop of jam in the middle and fold over. Crimp edges and bake at 425· (or whatever temp your crust is suggested to cook at) for 7 or 8 minutes.
Now, if u wanna get really fancy, you can make a glaze or drizzle with melted chocolate. That's it! So easy and tasty! Hope you try these fun little treats!

Add a dollop of jam (no, not daisy!)

Fold your crust in half over top of the filling.

Crimp the edges with a fork to make 'em pretty.

You could make them all uniform in size...

But I wanted to use all my crust up, so I have some odd-shaped ones.

Nice and crispy out of the oven
Yum! :)